The boiler is the most important component of the heating system in your home. If the unit fails to work, you will not have hot water to heat your home or for domestic use. When your boiler fails to work or performs dismally, it is crucial you hire a company offering boiler repair service North Attleborough. At Jim Dorsey & Son, we have specialists in boiler operations and repair. They can not only install and service all makes and models of boilers, but also offer emergency boiler repair services.

Boiler Repair Service North Attleborough – At Jim Dorsey & Son, we have technicians who specialize in commercial and residential boiler systems. These technicians have years of experience in the industry and are certified to handle all types of boilers. Our technicians are professional, friendly, straightforward and honest in their dealings. They also work fast, to ensure you not only enjoy a comfortable indoor environment, but also incur a reasonable repair cost. For more information on the quality of service to expect from our technicians, please visit

Why Choose us – Since there are many service providers in North Attleborough, you may wonder what is so special about our HVAC company that you should hire us. Well, there are many reasons why you may want to hire us. The first is the long term warranties we offer on parts (10 years).

We also have convenient maintenance programs which will help to ensure your boiler does not break down and if they do, we offer emergency repair services. To ensure maximum energy efficiency of your heating system, we offer free energy surveys to help you determine adjustments you can make to improve the energy efficiency of the system and cut down on your energy bills. Call us today to schedule a maintenance service or ask for emergency services in case of a breakdown.